Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Something important

If I have nothing to say, is it still prudent for me to make a post? Let’s say I haven’t posted for two weeks; and I still have nothing “important” to say. Do I just post some random mumblings? Or do I let another week pass? If I just keep posting nothingness, will it eventually turn into somethingful? Let’s watch.

I’ve decided that I need to be much more aggressive in paying off student loans and car, etc. So aggressive that I’ve decided I probably need to get a part-time job to supplement my income. My daytime role is as a marketing analyst. But I love cooking; so I’m thinking that maybe I could get a part-time gig as a prep cook or something in one of the local restaurants. Does anyone have any better ideas for part-time, evening/weekend work to help erase the student loan deficit? (And when I say “anyone”, I mean all of you faithful who visit the blog regularly.) (And when I say “regularly”, I mean at least once in the past few months.) So what do you think? Am I not being ambitious enough? Is there some other more “professional” part-time work that I could get with my MBA in Marketing? Or is a satisfying career in the service industry the way to go?


Friday, September 17, 2004

Believers' litmus test

So, I’m wondering if anyone else watched the Freud/Lewis special on PBS Wednesday. And did anyone else realize that they didn’t completely agree with a single one of the panelists? I had the hardest time figuring out who were the “Freud backers” and who where the “Lewis backers”. Just as soon as I found myself thinking, “Yeah, this dude is a Christian”, then they would say something that I consider completely contrary to that. C’mon! Just tell me – who’s thumping their Bible, and who isn’t?

There are parts of me that really like the fact that I couldn’t pinpoint any of the panelists’ beliefs. I mean, faith is not black and white; and there isn’t one concrete mold to be filled in order to be a Christian. Over my more than a decade of following Christ I have certainly taken many different paths and held various different beliefs. But I’m fairly certain there was never any block of time that I ceased being a Christian. I have never found anyone that I completely agree with on every issue of faith; but I’m also fairly certain that I’m not the only Christian in the world – just me and God, the only ones who’ve figured it out. So, there must be many different manifestations of deciding to model your life after Christ.

There are also parts of me that are very uncomfortable with not being able to pinpoint which panelists had it all figured out. Shouldn’t I be able to tell, from listening to someone talk about faith, who is a true believer? Does it mean that I haven’t pinpointed my own beliefs? Everything would be so much easier if there were some sort of litmus test I could apply to every potential person-for-me-to-agree-with. I could apply the test, if they pass, then I agree with everything they say. It would be so easy. Why the heck do I have to listen and think, and all that garbage?

Well, I’m looking forward to part 2 of the special (even though I already went to pbs.org and read through all the transcripts). I applaud PBS for airing this well-done special. And it has inspired me to spend more time thinking about serious issu……hey, look, there’s another story about hurricanes…..